Artistic interventions in temporary travel spaces
NO.HOT_L is a transdisciplinary artistic intervention series temporarily accomodating in holiday apartments and other transitory living spaces. Performative, installative and collaborative artistic interventions developed on site deal with phantoms and questionable aspects of “travel”, “home” and “work”. Amina Handke as artist and curator uses given space and furniture to create communicative stagings, recombinations and present-tations in the no/wo/man’s land between private and public.
Comparably, definitions of authorship are being expanded, as more artists and art related persons based both on-site and abroad are invited to collaborate and contribute. The ensemble of works, exchange and processes is the declared aim and product: The apartment is the exhibition, the exhibition a film setting, and the film is shown in the apartment. The cast of “artists” and “audience” is overlapping while exchanging informally in the Salon and connecting simultaneously with other places and times via portable devices and the internet wormhole.
Site specific, transdisciplinary, collaborational and communicational micro events