Talkshow (30′) & Web Serial (5 x 3′)
HD, colour, sound


The talk show Wishing Cast, produced in the framework of Pixels, Bytes and Film*, invites professional performers of different origins and disciplines (a dancer, an actress, a comedian, an entertainer, a cabaret artist and a burlesque performer) to a conversation about their dream role. The guests tell tales of super heroes, revenge fantasies, escape adventures, war histories and boat taxis. Of sex, violence, humour, self-determination, authenticity, manipulation and a happy life. Wishing Cast develops into a polyphonic tale about role perceptions and life goals. The borders between reality, desire and fiction blur, perhaps they never even existed. Just as the format Wishing Cast…



* a cooperation of the Television Station ORFIII, the Austrian Federal Chancellery and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Link to official ORF site and trailer
Web Serial:



The Guests:

Denice Bourbon, Performer

Nadja Maleh, Cabaret Artist

Michikazu Matsune, Dancer

Simplice Mugiraneza (Soso), Comedian

Anat Stainberg, Actor

Dirk Stermann, Entertainer



Amina Handke